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Our expertise lies in understanding the world of Investing.

Our Clients’ have three financial priorities. Protecting their wealth to afford a comparable lifestyle throughout their retirement, actively growing their current wealth to support the needs of their families and leaving an adequate estate to their loved ones.

We work tirelessly to reduce risk, making sure our Clients’ money is always accessible and gains a real return, above inflation.

Most investors mistakenly assume that you make all of your money during rising bull markets. Successful investors understand that you make real money by surviving falling bear markets.


Capital Preservation

"Phil is the only financial advisor I've used whom I can trust to understand my needs and concerns almost intuitively."


Covington’s is a privately owned, Wealth Management firm. We offer comprehensive Investment Management, Financial and Tax Planning services, but then again so does every one else.

What’s different at Covington’s is that we continually manage our Clients’ wealth, not just once a year.

We passionately subscribe to Warren Buffets “Rules of Investing”.

Rule 1, Don’t lose money. Rule 2, please refer to rule number 1.

We are also helped by the mathematical power of compound interest. We have a thirst for knowledge and are driven by our passion for wealth preservation and gaining a real return. Our Investment Philosophy focusses on protecting our Clients’ wealth, without taking undue risks.

"We are able to take great comfort and secutity in the fact that you have done such a remarkable job investing, rebalancing and monitoring our finances through these years."
C & J Aindow

Our approach...

We specialise in managing the wealth of retired Clients who wish to maintain the spending power of their money, without taking undue risks. Our Client’s also like to retain access to their investments, at any time.

We work very carefully to ensure that the financial decisions that our Clients make are appropriate and considered, taking into account the world that we now live in.

We only work with around 50 Clients, all of whom will have been referred to us by people that know us well or our existing Clients. We are not listed in the phone book and do not advertise.

We have a very simplified approach, to what for many is a complex process, covering all aspects of financial planning. Whatever your situation we’re here to provide support and expert guidance, helping you live and maintain your lifestyle.

"We wish to thank you for your excellent and professional advice over the last 20 years. We have recommended you to various friends with utmost confidence. "
Philip and Brenda Collins

Our Clients?

All of our Clients have been referred to us, as we don't advertise. Our Clients are drawn from all walks of life but share similar attitudes towards money. They like sensible sound advice that they can understand and don't like any nasty surprises.

What makes us different?

We are small, nimble and focus on making money for our Client's. We can avoid the distractions faced by larger Advisory firms and concentrate on providing excellent service and growing our Clients wealth.

Investment belief?

We understand that if an investment falls by 20% in value, it has to grow by 25% to break even. We also know that compounding growth over a number of years can produce fantastic returns. We believe in making our Clients money, not losing it.

Keep an eye on things...?

We continually monitor our Clients investments, ensuring the balance of risk remains in their favour by offering upside potential whilst limiting the downside risk, particularly as the timing of investments can often be hugely difficult.
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What to expect...

What’s it like to be a client of Covingtons Financial Service? We aim to do the right things, at the right time. Having said that we don’t rest on our laurels, we’re always looking to improve what we do.

All clients are different. Our commitment is to working with you as an individual, meeting as and when is best for you and providing a service tailored to your needs.

We’ve outlined below some of what we do, it’s all available to our clients but you may want things slightly different to this, that’s okay, that’s how we work.

Working with only a small number of clients allows us to provide an unrivalled level of service, ensuring we deliver on our promises.

If you’re interested in finding out more contact us on 0161 4915915 or

  • Full access to Capital, at any time
  • Income Management Service
  • 24 hour online valuations
  • Annual Income Tax Certificates
  • Secure storage of all your investment documentation
  • A regular Newsletter, Covington’s News, which is literally exploding with interesting facts
  • Portfolio valuation reports quarterly, half yearly or yearly
  • 24 hour UK based answering service
  • We ensure that you gain maximum advantage from your ISA allowance each year
  • Access to quarterly Investment Committee Minutes
"I have always found your advice to be knowledgeable and sound. The service you offer is excellent and your warm and friendly approach has placed my Clients' at ease."
John Benett

Managing money...

Our overriding objective is to protect and enhance our Clients’ wealth. We aim to beat cash benchmarks consistently, striving to produce positive returns in all market conditions. This investment philosophy is underpinned by 4 key principles:

1. Freedom to choose
Covington’s has no ties to other financial services groups – we are free to match our Client’s objectives with the best investment products available.

2. Disciplined Investment Process
Successful investing requires a disciplined investment process.  Our investment process is designed to protect and enhance our clients’ wealth without taking undue risks.  We have stayed true to this process through both bull and bear markets and we believe our track record speaks for itself.

3. Risk Management
Asset Allocation – diversification is a crucial risk management technique which provides insurance against the unexpected.  By selecting an optimised combination of global investment opportunities in traditional asset classes, our clients are less heavily exposed to adverse movements across their portfolio.

Active Portfolio Management – based on continual research and analysis and with our Clients’ authority, we can rebalance portfolios, switch asset classes or should the need arise, move into cash, as appropriate.  We continually monitor the underlying investments and the technology we use allows holdings to be bought or sold quickly and simply, again with your prior authority.

Liquidity – the ability to switch asset classes or liquidate investments and move quickly into cash during periods of heightened volatility may be vital to preserve capital. The technology we use allows for this eventuallity.

4. Transparency
We demand full transparency from the Managers of our underlying investments and will only invest in funds where we are able to carry out due diligence.  We meet with them regularily to discuss their actions and gain their views. Covington’s does not accept any commissions or fees from third parties and our fee structure is transparent and is always agreed with the client at the outset.

"I personally could not better your service. May it long continue."
David Brown

Enquiry form

Contact us using the details below or call us on 0161 491 5915

Phil Goodenough
Covington’s Financial Service Limited
F3, 44 Europa Business Park, Bird Hall Lane
Cheadle Health, Cheshire SK3 0XA
Tel: 0161 491 5915
"Phil is a top bloke who we trust implicitly."
A and J Whittle